Quiet Hour Ministries is enthusiastic about this concert tonight for many reasons, but primarily because it gives us the opportunity to connect with our many Quiet Hour friends in the greater Atlanta area. We are so appreciative of your support! That’s why we wanted to share our thanks through the sponsorship of this evening’s concert by our wonderful friend, Steve Darmody.
As your host for this evening, Quiet Hour Ministries wants you to know that it is a treat for us to bring this concert to you tonight. Steve Darmody is one of Gospel Music’s finest voices and we consider him a true partner in ministry. He is the founder and president of Morning Song Music Group, which has an online CD store, an internet radio station, a record company, a tour booking and management company and more. He tours internationally and performs nearly 100 concerts annually.
Steve has been heard in many venues, with some of the highlights including: Carnegie Hall, The Crystal Catherdral, The 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Warsaw’s National Philharmonic Hall and most recently he was invited to perform a concert inside the Pentagon and for the US Senate Staff Luncheon.
He Appears frequently on TV stations like DayStar, Crossroads, Cornerstone and of course Three Angels Broadcasting, The Hope Channel, and Loma Linda Broadcasting. Many of you have seen him often on the Quiet Hour’s telvision program called “Windows of Hope” or on all the FAMILY REUNION Videos.
Steve has just released his 7th Gospel Music CD, recorded with the Prague Symphony, which we think is his best work ever. That’s why, following the concert, Quiet Hour Ministries is going to give each family a free copy. Come learn how you can get your copy.
Who is Quiet Hour Ministries?
“Quiet Hour Ministries is all about “sharing the saving grace of a merciful God with the world.” – Yes, the whole world!
Each year Quiet Hour Ministries sends out more than 400 teams, consisting of close to 1,000 pastors, lay evangelists, teachers, medical personnel, and even high school and college students to more than 45 countries around the world. These volunteers preach God’s word, provide health care, assist in completing critically needed mission projects such as jungle chapels, schools for children, homes for orphans and more! Dozens of airplanes give wings to the gospel, hundreds of motorcycles help carry young men and women to isolated villages, and medical mission boats bring healing – to some of the most remote rivers and jungles on earth.” – Bill Tucker, Speaker/Director
Quiet Hour Ministries has been a part of the world-wide Gospel Commission for 72+ years, supporting global evangelism in scores of countries. Beginning as a radio and then television program, Quiet Hour Ministries is now an international evangelistic ministry supporting soul winning and church-building projects in over 135 countries. In fact, during 2008 alone, they supported 402 different mission teams to 46 countries like the Philippines, Honduras, Sudan, and Poland.
Quiet Hour Ministries is viable only through donations. It doesn’t receive any support from denominational or government agencies. That’s why donations from caring and engaged people is essential. And it’s a blessing for the giver as well, because it allow them to feel the sense being an active participant in winning souls to Christ.
Donations to Quiet Hour Ministries have built hundreds of chapels, provided vehicles for carrying the gospel to several cultures by “embedded” Bible workers, and built and supplied Christian orphanages and schools across the Indian subcontinent.
Quiet Hour Ministries has learned in it’s 72 years of mission work that it isn’t enough to preach. We must enter these communities with concrete plans to help… to train… to encourage… and to equip! That’s why Quiet Hour Ministries has been so successful and has been so admired for their mission service that include project such as building jungle chapels and schools, for providing bicycles and motorcycles for pastors and Bible workers. And you’ll be surprised to know that Quiet Hour Ministries has donated over 50 airplanes to mission services over the years. Currently we are raising the final amounts needed for a new Kodiak airplane for New Guinea. No one can image how critical and appreciated this gift can bring to an entire region. And just think, you can be a part of that! Talk about being the wind beneath our wings! You, our friends and supporters make all this happen. And for those of you who have never heard much about us, we’d love to invite you to start be being a prayer warrior for our teams.
Quiet Hour Ministries Objectives for 2009:
• Another 400+ teams of medical personnel, students, lay pastors and ministers to sent to international locations, including 65 teams to Zambia, Vietnam, Jamaica and parts of Ukraine
• Completion of critically needed mission projects such as jungle chapels, schools, motorcycles for pastors, a Kodiak airplane and delivery of Bibles and medical equipment
• Finish raising the funding for the 53rd airplane QHM has donated to mission work in these past 72 years. They are currently $400,000 from reaching their $1.2 million dollar purchase price for a Kodiac airplane for Papua, New Guinea.