
CharlesHaugacharles_haugabrooks.jpgCharles Haugabrooks has been one of the featured singers on the “It Is Written” telecast for over a decade.  His distinctive tenor voice interprets gospel songs with unusual intensity and passion.

Watch Charles sing only one song and you’ll know he enjoys singing! “In some miraculous way, music got into me,” he explains. When Charles’ mother died when he was three years of age, he began to sing, perhaps to comfort himself. Singing became a way of life. When an evangelistic crusade came to his home town in 1978, it created a radical change in his life. “It not only redirected my musical outlook, but shaped all facets of my life. I’m still amazed!” Charles says.

Morning Song has had the privilege of booking concerts for Charles for several years.  He is always loved wherever he goes.  He has the tender spirit of a true servant.

Charles prefers to travel with an accompanist to add a warm personal feel to his concerts.